The Belly Fat War

Wow, the Olympics Games were great to watch….every night I stayed up until midnight and sometimes as late as 1:00 am to catch up on the events that I missed during the day. Although I struggled getting up in the morning, I really enjoyed the Games; However I am glad they have finally ended, because I would have never gotten any sleep if they didn’t! Anyway, today I was sitting in one of my favorite places… Starbucks, doing one of my favorite pastimes… people watching – lol.

Just like any other day, I settled in my regular area by the drink pick up counter. As I sat there watching people coming in to Starbucks to get coffee, I noticed one thing that a vast majority of people had in common: excess belly fat. It didn’t matter if they were taller, shorter, and bigger or smaller… belly fat seemed to be winning the fight.

Most people that I speak with about their fitness goals are very concerned about getting rid of their stomach; some of them go as far as surgery to lose belly fat. However there are effective, non-surgical ways to cut belly fat. Before I give you tips to getting a flatter stomach, understand that spot training the body is not the most effective way to get rid of belly fat. We all have abdominal muscles, and yes we do need to train them, however what’s the point of doing the work if you can’t see them because they are buried by fat? The “ENEMY” here is the “Belly Fat “period… so we need to “ATTACK” the fat through diet, exercise and lifestyle.

Here are some tips to help in the overall reduction of body fat and to show off the hard work you put in on your abs!

1: Don’t Drink Alcohol: Its toxic, poison, with unhealthy empty calories

2: Stop Stressing: Because stress causes an increase in cortisol, visceral fat and emotional overeating

3: Stay Away from Trans Fat: It increases the risk for heart disease, raises cholesterol and clogs up arteries

4: Eat More Fruits and Vegetables: They are a good source of healthy fiber and nutrients and are low in calories

5: Exercise Intensely: Exercising at least 3-4 times a week will burn calories and add lean muscle mass

6: Get Sleep: Getting at least 6-10 hours of sleep a night according to researchers helps to lower cortisol in the body

Certainly there are more things that can be done to reduce overall body fat, but these tips will give you an idea on where to start.



Posted on by Will Power Elite

What Happened to the Taste!

Almost a year ago a friend and I were having a conversation about how fruit tasted when we were young. In this discussion we were making a comparison of the taste, size and color of the fruit that we remember from growing up. We came to the conclusion that while the fruits are bigger and the colors brighter, the taste isn’t as delightful as they were in the past. Nowadays, it has become more difficult to find fruits that are naturally sweet and rich in nutrients. Just recently I went to the grocery store to grab some fruit, but was disappointed in the taste. The mangos were not sweet, apples too soft and the oranges dry. I decided to test the quality of the nutrients in the oranges and the results were shocking. They scored D!

I came up with this information by using an instrument that a friend of mine located during our search for answers on how to measure the nutrients in produce. I used two things, the Brix chart and an instrument called the “Refractometer” .What is the Brix? It is the measure of the richness of the juice of fresh raw produce and the Refractometer is the tool used to get your reading. If you want to learn more about the Brix and Refractometer, checkout this

To test the orange I used the following procedure:

  1. Cut the orange in half.
  2. Extracted the juice from one half of the orange into a clean glass
  3. Cleaned the Daylight plate and main prism of the Refractometer
  4. Let the Daylight plate and main prism air dry for 30 seconds
  5. Looked directly through the Refractometer in the direction of the light source to focus the eyepiece and clearly see the graduations
  6. Used my dropper to extract orange juice from the glass
  7. Dropped about two drops of juice in to the main prism, close the daylight plate and checked the reading.
  8. Referred to Brix Chart to check score

The Orange scored a 6 which is Poor (letter grade D), according to the Brix chart (Excellent score 20, Good 16 and Average 10). Why this is important?

Well as you know the body needs nutrients to perform its functions properly. Likewise the best way to get nutrients is from the foods we eat. So when I spend my hard earned money on produce I expect to get nutrients from them. The test brings up a number of questions…. Could it be that all of the produce in the grocery stores are low grade produce? Are the produce at the farmers markets more nutrient dense? I will continue to look into this topic and let you know the results…until then….to be continued.
P.S. If you are interested in this, I would recommend getting yourself a Refractometer to test your produce. I am sure you will see the benefits in knowing what grades of nutrients are in your food. It’s best to look into it yourself, don’t just take my word for it.


Posted on by Will Power Elite

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